Crimes of the State: A Never-Ending Story

Today’s revelation that the NSA has placed malicious software on more than 50,000 servers around the World is another striking example of the arrogance of the Government of the United States. An example of its utter disregard for Individuals, Corporations, and their Governments. What is more, it reflects the totally lawless nature of the US Government. Inserting malware capable of destroying the functionality of computers here or in other nations is a crime. It is a crime for individuals and it is a crime for the State. We are not at war with these nations – yet the NSA’s actions are an act of war.


This nation was founded on principles regarding the Rights of the Individual. Principles which had their beginnings in ancient Greece and slowly developed over the centuries. These Principles became the cornerstone of the American Colonies – recognizing the Individual has inalienable Rights – the State none. Recognizing that Individual Rights precede Government and it is only because the Individual has Rights that Governments can be created. It follows then that Government cannot claim any additional Power or Authority than what was delegated to it – and most importantly since the Individual has never had the Right to harm the Life, Liberty, or Property of others – the Government is always prohibited from such actions. The use of Force against others is only allowed in the face of an immediate threat upon one’s Life, Liberty, or Property and only in the amount necessary to neutralize the threat.


That is why the entire scope of activities of the NSA which have been revealed by Edward Snowden are criminal. That is why drone attacks on People across the globe are criminal. That is why the embargo, bombing, blockading or invasion of countries with which we are not at war is criminal.


The United States was founded on a very clear Philosophy – a Philosophy which denied that the State holds all the Power and the Individual none. A Philosophy which recognized the unlimited Power of Individuals, working in their own interest, to achieve anything. A Philosophy which recognized that Peace and Cooperation among nations and people was the road to a better World and a better life for everyone. The first 125 years of this nation’s existence proved how wonderfully correct this Philosophy is.


It is time to reclaim this vision – it is time for the 2nd American Revolution